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Cheating Spouse Archive Search

Find Phone Number On Map For Free

We added a form to the right at the bottom of this page that accesses a database of phone numbers. You can use this to check if you suspect your spouse is cheating, and calling other men/women. The downside is that it does not work for people outside of the USA. I'll try to link a database for an international reverse phone lookup when I find one.

If you want to track someone's location on google maps, you just simply enter their 10 digit phone number on the form to the right, and it will search the database for that phone number. It's completely free to check the location of a phone number on google maps, but it costs a subscription or a one time fee for 1 search if you request for complete details. Complete details include phone owners full name, address, previous address, and what type of phone it is and who is their service provider. The unnecessary features include background checks and criminal records, which I think is overkill.

These types of databases are sometimes being used by professional private investigators. It helps private investigators in locating addresses to help track your spouse or the people your spouse associates with. So if you are hiring a private investigator, you may want to ask them to do some reverse phone lookups for you, I doubt that would cost extra because private investigator fees are already extremely high. Some even charge $120+ per hour!

Basic overview of Reverse Phone Lookups

1. First thing you should do is check your spouse's phone and your home caller ID for unknown numbers.
2. Input each of those numbers on the form found to the right side of this page.
3. Wait for it to be processed on their database, and you will be served up the map location of the unknown number on your home landline or cell phone.
4. (optional), if you want to view the phone owners full name, exact address, and phone type and service provider, opt for a single search ($15) or if you have a lot of unknown numbers, opt for the 1 year registration ($40). This is just optional, just finding out the phone's location on the map can help clue us in deciding on whether or not our spouses are cheating.

Example of Reverse Phone Lookups

We'll use Google's phone number as an example. I'm sure they won't mind :)
Google's phone number is 650 253 0000. Lets pretend Google is some random person that your spouse may be cheating with.

So you found that number in your cellphone or home phone, and you have no idea who it is. You just enter that number on the form to the right of this post and it will search for the number in the reverse phone lookup database. You can try it yourself, but in case you were wondering, the results look like this (click to enlarge). You can try it also using your own phone number, and see how accurately you are placed on google maps.

If the number is too far away, that it would take a plane ride to get there, then we can rule out physical affairs, but they could be having an emotional affair if their phone conversations happen regularly. If the number is close to your location, then it's a higher chance of a physical affair happening. The reverse phone lookup database contains business phone lines as well, so you can check whether or not it's a work related call.

What you can do is ask your husband or wife who this phone number belongs to, and why is it in our phone bill/their cellphone bill. They can't say they don't know because it's in the bill and it shows how long they have talked, and if they say it's a friend's phone number then you can ask WHO it is.

Most likely if they are cheating on you with that person, they won't give their real names or location. That's when you should consider paying for a full report and matching the name that your husband or wife gives you, to that listed on the reverse phone lookup database. If they don't match, then you know your spouse is lying.

If this isn't enough to give you peace of mind, you may consider reading the cellphone spy overview, to help you pick out a cellphone spy yourself, or this mobile spy guide, if you want an exact recommendation and not a generic overview on types of cellphone spies.

Type A US BASED Phone number to find it on the map

Type a 10 digit phone number and press enter, or click Submit Query to get your results on Google Maps.

Please feel free to share your experiences with infidelity on our cheating spouse stories page.

1 comment:

Blogger said...

If anyone knows an international reverse phone lookup method, feel free to share it here on the comments section.

Got no one who'll listen to your problems? Or we can email. I may not always be prompt but I ALWAYS reply. Shoot an email to Kris (catchacheateradmin at gmail dot com).

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