Welcome to our site dedicated to victims of infidelity. If you are looking to join an infidelity forum, or a local support group, please see the sidebar for relevant links.
PLEASE READ THIS REMINDER : When leaving comments, do not include your personal details (real name, phone number, email, facebook, or real life address). We do moderate the comments, and sadly blogger does not allow us to edit out your personal details, so if you would like to be able to display your comments, do not include the above info or we will not post it for your own privacy. Posting your ex-husband / wife / boyfriend / girlfriend's personal information because they cheated on you is NOT ALLOWED. Also, please do your own research on state laws before using any spy tools, we will not give you legal advice. All information provided is for educational purposes only.

Cheating Spouse Archive Search

Surviving Infidelity Forum

We created a forum for those of you who would like to interact and share advice/give support to each other. Besides posting your infidelity experiences here, you can also share it over there at the forums.

You don't need to register, we've allowed guest posting. But please don't start any flaming or excessive arguments.

Click here to go to the forum  Anticheater.dailyforum.net is dead now.

We moved forums. We joined a relationship site and I now lurk/moderate the surviving infidelity forums. Feel free to post there, either anonymously or register and help other people going through the same things you are.

I might move some of the posts here to get people started. We will still maintain this site, but the previous forum was severely spammed and we couldn't keep up with it with only 2 moderators. If only blogspot had a forum option.

Well, see you there on the new forums if you decide to drop by.

Update 2014 : We've been extremely busy, and we had to freeze the forums and delete a lot of posts. We can't keep up with the spammers and bots unless we get volunteer mods. Sorry about that. All commenting sections remain open, and you can still get replies from us, and other readers that way. Thanks for dropping by, Kris and Mike
Got no one who'll listen to your problems? Or we can email. I may not always be prompt but I ALWAYS reply. Shoot an email to Kris (catchacheateradmin at gmail dot com).

P.S. Commenting is the fastest way to get a reply from us, or other readers. Anonymous commenting is enabled.