Welcome to our site dedicated to victims of infidelity. If you are looking to join an infidelity forum, or a local support group, please see the sidebar for relevant links.
PLEASE READ THIS REMINDER : When leaving comments, do not include your personal details (real name, phone number, email, facebook, or real life address). We do moderate the comments, and sadly blogger does not allow us to edit out your personal details, so if you would like to be able to display your comments, do not include the above info or we will not post it for your own privacy. Posting your ex-husband / wife / boyfriend / girlfriend's personal information because they cheated on you is NOT ALLOWED. Also, please do your own research on state laws before using any spy tools, we will not give you legal advice. All information provided is for educational purposes only.

Cheating Spouse Archive Search

About | Contact

I started this website in December 2008, after helping a childhood friend of mine deal with her own problems with infidelity. Along the way people have contributed their own posts to this blog, and shared their own experiences with infidelity.

My goal in starting this site was to provide a resource for people who "just got hit" with infidelity. That's how it feels when you first realize that you got cheated on by a loved one, like you got hit by a car. Naturally you will want to find ways on how to cope with the enormous emotional stress and depression you are feeling. In the old days we were limited to just talking to a friend. But now thanks to the internet, and google, we can search for other people's experiences and ways that they coped with their trial with infidelity.

If you wish to contact me, you can simply leave a comment and attach your email, any post with an attached email/real name/anything with personal info will not be posted. You could also email catch a cheater admin at gmail dot com, format that into a proper email ofcourse (typed it like that to avoid spam bots).

If you would like to share your story and have it posted here (without your personal details of course), feel free to post it here : Cheating spouse stories

Kris and Mike

January 2011 Update : If you would like to give advice, share your experiences, or just support other people who have gone through infidelity hell, you can join the forum we made just for this site's readers at http://anticheater.dailyforum.net Feel Free to sign up or guest post, it's much easier to interact with each other using the forums than this blog's comment section.

April 2011 Update : That forum was taken over by spam. We started a new surviving infidelity forum, on a non-phpbb forum site. That last one was too overwhelming to moderate, this time we have 3 other people helping us moderate. If you would like to participate, please see the link. We  will also need some volunteer moderators once the site gets bigger.

Got no one who'll listen to your problems? Or we can email. I may not always be prompt but I ALWAYS reply. Shoot an email to Kris (catchacheateradmin at gmail dot com).

P.S. Commenting is the fastest way to get a reply from us, or other readers. Anonymous commenting is enabled.